Friday, February 10, 2017

Amsterdam court makes a declaration after leaking secret files –

The district court in Amsterdam has Friday reported the theft of paper documents from the rechtbankterrein. According to The Telegraph have workers pieces for the renovation of the court found.

The court says to it seems that the pieces from the tray unit were stolen. “Between the pieces that we have recovered were also old newspapers and flattened cardboard boxes,” said a spokesman. “It’s not like there are binders in a cabinet with layers.” According to The Telegraph, the pieces like dirt found in empty rooms.

The court says in conversation with the company that the demolition run, but would there not substantively address it.

According to the court, and in particular to internal documents, but also copies of material that in criminal matters is used. and The Telegraph says parts have seen of ongoing criminal matters, recently began investigations and internal documents on personnel problems in the court. Also, there are names and addresses of suspects and witnesses in the paper.

Furthermore, it appears from the texts that there is a “angstcultuur” would prevail on the court, claims to The Telegraph. It comes in total to thousands of pages. The editorial board has the material now return to the court.


Lawyers say in DTelegraph that such files had to be fragmented. According to the court, that isn’t true. “It is not a procedure that the documents are first fragmented”, explains the spokesman. “The files are disposed in a paper tray in the slot as the tray closes. The box is located and on a closed area of the court. The paper is then made by a certified company destroyed.”


The newspaper shows different lawyers on the word that shame to speak about the find. “This is very serious. I’m going to clarify it to the court. You must be confident that the privacy of your client is guaranteed”, as cited by the newspaper, lawyer Emad El Assrouti.

Professor of the right to privacy, Gerrit-Jan Zwenne calls it “a datalek of unprecedented proportions”.



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