Monday, August 22, 2016

Councillor Heerlen receives fine for ‘kampbeultweet’ –

In a tweet he compared a prosecutor in the trial of the Roermond politician Jos van Rey with SS camp guard Irma Grese. The court in Maastricht sentenced Petermann to pay a fine of 500 euros, 250 euros conditionally

Petermann called the sentence demanded in the conscious tweet against Van Rey disproportionate to in the same breath to it there, adding. “I hope Anja Janssen De Boer or ‘the Irma Grese “of OM still killed tonight.”

the court cited the tweet unnecessarily offensive and insulting. The message brought the officer into disrepute and groped her dignity.


In two newspaper interviews, he would have said that the concerns raised by OM ‘misery’ “27 times worse” is “than those in the concentration camps.” Petermann denies this. The court considers this unproven and Petermann acquits herein insult.

The court had to decide whether the tweet is of insult and defamation, or under freedom of speech, as the defense argued. According to the court the tweet was deliberately offensive and therefore is not covered by freedom of expression.

The prosecution had two weeks ago forty hours of community service which half required conditional, but the court only considered a fine on the order. Petermann still consults with his lawyer Serge Weening whether he will appeal

By:. ANP /


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