The Afsluitdijk direction Maharashtra is closed Sunday after an accident at Breezanddijk with multiple cars with caravans and camper. Reported that the ANWB. Probably there are some wounded. Except police, fire and ambulances, there is also deployed an ambulance. The fire department has someone freed the jammed sat in his car
The road remains closed until approximately 16:00 says Rijkswaterstaat. Much remains to be done an emergency repair. The cars behind the accident are guided through the lane past the accident.
The traffic from Friesland is advised to drive through Flevoland via the A6. The police need to do more research into the cause of the accident
Big mistake dam direction north Holland with camper and car. Road closed ri NH
- Rienk Room (rienkjkamer) August 9, 2015
# Dam full of people after accident, we are here for a while. Hope it’s too bad there ..
- Jean-Luc Laval (@ jeanluc_033) August 9, 2015
The two locks on the dam should be full deposit with beton.want every time there pleasure boats sail through it is sure 5km file and who paid all those trucks are not one with such a boat .
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Everyone has done so many conclusions about how t happens, I can tell you we have just come home and have 2.5 hours stood on the dam .. Waiting for what happened … All Police cars and ambulances and the like is not nice to look at !! There is a car made a miscalculation when overtaking and it did not correct himself after which he began to spin … The motorhome and caravan can not help that they were carried away in the choas …
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Since we have the trailer license, which was formerly part E just added when you succeed, today you’ll need an extra test to do.
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Unfortunately prejudices again if you do not know what happens is happy no comment hope that all concerned came back from holiday and not on the road were just so fucking heavy accident for all recovery and strength
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Cause speeding, I really see this every day, all with a sleurhut the car racing no size limit.
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What do people still fast a prejudice about things that never were discussed …
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The Netherlands has many clairvoyant. Without knowing the facts they condemn the drivers of the cars with a caravan.
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geblaad lot of people who totally do not know what they are talking about. Accident was not caused by a caravan on a car that was miscalculation. What traffic there was was directed after clearing via the emergency lane along the PD.
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the 75th over with caravan is living dangerously. he drives and she says a tikkie to the left or to the right tikkie.
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I see a lot of stories about caravans but does anyone know the cause?
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Anyone with a B license may bring a caravan behind the car. If the trailer does not weigh more than 750 kg. Even if he weighs more than 750 kg but does not weigh more than the vehicle and then the total weight does not exceed 3500 kg. So car 1750 kg and 1750 kg trailer could with B. There are also technical restrictions. There are a lot of people without training caravan drive around. The ANWB has a brief training caravan driving. Mainly backward. But they drive
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@ Dennis, I know that such a license exists … an old driver’s license, I have those too, but never had a lesson with a caravan behind it, so nothing learned what In that respect, may I so caravan ride without any experience, lessons or whatever, I do not venture there to
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My cousin has just gone that way (towards Friesland) I have his mother called him back better take another path, annoying for those people, I hope it is with the victims, fortunately the weather is good.
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We drove down to Leeuwarden to for those who have experienced it and many people complain would say car’s limit at 100, you also less likely to become severe if the accident done
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#Hoogland … A separate license for a caravan? Since when is that? Oh you’re referring to the E license. Well, even that is not necessary in many cases, as you can into a weight for the whole combination to 3500kg just a B driving license. In practice therefore fall as most combinations among many people … doing driving a few times a year with the caravan, and thus you see them make many errors of judgment. Enneh, caravan riders are also very good at cutting his …
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130 is not too fast for the dike. The attention of klpd sometimes goes to tailgaters, I think that attention should be given to guests who just popping it to the left while being overtaken, which cause many more problems.
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130 since allowed several ongelukkenn there. abolish!
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get by the traffic accident led to emergency? do not think traffic is lead back to Frisia ppppfffffffffff
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You always have those risk takers where a decent driver / chauffeuse the brunt of being. Red lights, tailgating, with a sharp turn from right to left just before overtaking a car, breaking the speed, so I can have a few mention.
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One gets a license. One can then ride but it can not (yet). Some people never learn from a total lack of traffic insight. Those are dangerous and cause many accidents.
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130 is just too hard on the dike!
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There are a lot of mates again along the side. Let’s first wait and see what the research produces about the origin of the accident.
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I think it’s going to last very long because they still hold action.
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The road over the dam is a pretty straight path without harm or cause the debt is not due to the weg.ik myself vask over the dike driven ochtens o 6 hours than it is scary with the job coaches tailgaters who do not ride was just printed off the road on the side link above 140/160. src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” src=”” }
There is always gekloot there. Always one lane open and at 50 km per hour and fifteen minutes before you stand locks files for remote lock arrive with 130 and you need to 0. It’s a drama. Ee must aqueducts or bridges hife come to the traffic flow v is one big drama for forty years no progress. Then the bridge will not close than he is then working firmly. A developing country!