The Dutch army has a shortage of ammunition and therefore much shooting canceled
This is contained in a confidential e-mail from the Defence organization which owns RTL News
The ammunition shortages. there for some time but have now become acute. Soldiers need through shooting now call themselves “pang-pang-pang,” said Jean Debie military union VBM against RTL Nieuws. He calls it disastrous for the morale of the military. These include military personnel should receive training, shooting as they go on a mission.
The Department of Defense recognizes that there are not enough bullets. Stocks are sometimes cramped by high consumption in a mission or long delivery times. Once additional funds are available, the stocks are replenished, according to Defence. The stocks are divided into that moment.
Several MPs have responded to the message Saturday. D66 leader Alexander Pechtold and Christian Union leader Arie Slob took them on Twitter about it seriously, though Slob acknowledged, however, that the ammunition shortage is a problem. CDA MP Raymond Knops said his party the shortage of ammunition already provided in 2014. The MPs Joram van Klaveren and Louis Bontes (for the Netherlands) want clarification from Minister Jeanine Hennis about this “embarrassment”
Our army could not commit coupe yet to kick out our government.
These are the ministries responsible for these clown faces, do not forget. The haircut changed once every four years. And do not forget that there has been cut across the board. I hear Hennis say when it took office “the meat from the bones” thus she meant stuck “I squeeze the marrow out” in the coming years.
Well good to know if you are the enemy of the Netherlands. If there is a price for clumsiness, we are number 1. Really ridiculous that we have ammunition shortage, but even more laughable is that you hang it on the big clock. Whoever has hung on the big clock, he has not been guilty of treason? That army of us can now just as easily on canvases. Can you confused with that money over love, good things do me.
Well we did in the 60′s also playing soldier buiten.En the Dutch army after 1700 never had a stroke more gewonnen.Indonesie thrown out and the rest is not very impressed been amazing.
The Dutch army has been a big joke. the roof construction is gepleegt in 10 years. has she gives traces .we have a beautiful toy army to about .danmoet I kept thinking oh again in the May days in 1940 bravely fought marieel outdated and poorly trained soldiers.
Rotten and Samson at their best. Scandalous !!!
What a country and weak government. This government has become the death knell of the Netherlands thanks to the left and Pechthold and barbapapa Rutte.
History repeats itself
Sad that this is reported in the media. Call but, like Rambo; Boe
The latest news! Professional Soldiers receive end of this month an extension of their PSU! One slingshot, with spare elastic 2 pieces and 1 case with 2 Kg stone weighing 30 grams each pick up until further notice at the fourier! The commander of the Dutch armed forces!
Just give them a squirt gun they had also sebrnica
For crazy for words that send boys and girls to war zone without ammunition and training. Levelling thanks to the Labour Party we sex later purchase additional body bags. Scandalous, where you are now Samson and consorts make money for our boys and girls.
Well guys, I’ll see about that Russian missiles artillery practice … that and the knowledge that they have and good relationship with China, among others, makes it clear that our overall defense does not make sense! stopppen sanctions and choose BRICS.
There is enough in the Dutch arms trade for the marksmen. Better quality as well. Defense ammunition we call mop bullets.
This is practicing with the nekklem so.
Hahaha seen internationally we are laughed off on all sides. What arrogance to want to do it anywhere. Maybe if you call hard ,, “pangpang” she might be deaf. Hahaha hahaha what a government
Police said the bandit stand still or I say pang, be warned because the next x I shoot with sharp and touch with my water pistol!
Stocks are not cramped by the high consumption, but they are just tight supplies! For decades it is. Coined by clever leftist heads who dreamed that there would be no more war.
eric this is not a fictional story.
We can not borrow bullets from Syria or one of those countries, which shoot up on everything that moves, like the balls growing on the tree. Where do these come from it? * New cuts for the Dutch soldiers on mission 1.Adjust shoot when you see the whites of the enemy 2. Kill 1 with bullets, preferably headshot, a kill with several bullets you get no bullets along the next three days on a mission. Try to do with one magazine and shoot every turn.
What nonsense story. I do not believe it at all.
Just TE sad for words. You are ashamed to be broken Dutchman.
Mommy where’s daddy, daddy is a shit !! ff walking the dog
a little guy which “pangpang” must call for an exercise takes equal dismissal. you know right away which figures remain in the army … you can sit better in the Greek army, as the defense budget is 3 times as high as that of the Netherlands ……
Never mind, also with Dutch army ammunition does nothing done.
Ridiculous that anyway published here you can nevertheless assume that this is a fictional story in this tabloid in the Randstad fall not on us such stories while