Wednesday, March 25, 2015

‘Infection anthrax halted by NVWA’ – De Gelderlander

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – In the fall, hundreds of pounds of beef sold that may be contaminated with anthrax. Consumers are not informed about it by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). That says food watchdog Food Watch, which has handed over documents to Yahoo! News.

On 10 October, the NVWA known that a lot of precaution beef market was achieved. The reason was that two were from the processed carcasses of livestock Slovak afterwards where anthrax has been established, according to Food Watch.


 The meat was recalled from restaurants, butchers and supermarkets. But part of the meat was also sold to consumers, and that was not recalled, says the food watchdog.

FoodWatch wanted by the law Public administration know exactly what meat was contaminated and what has happened. The documents that she then received has FoodWatch shared with RTL Nieuws, but clarity was not there. According FoodWatch NVWA refuses to share information, from the fear that companies could be disproportionately disadvantaged.

Very low risk

 In October NVWA already explained that she had made a risk assessment. ,, The risk was assessed as very small. ,, The Commodities state, in cases of very small risk, not names of companies to disclose. If we had had the suspicion that the health situation was at stake, we had taken immediate action. And now we have everyone informed and immediately leave the party meat recall, “said a spokesman NVWA last fall.

People can get anthrax through direct contact with infected animals or by eating contaminated meat . Without treatment, the disease can be fatal.


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