Monday, January 26, 2015

80 customers had paid sex with 16-year-old girl “-

80 customers had paid sex with 16-year-old girl "-

By: Hanneke van Houwelingen
26-1-15 – 08:58

Rarely found so much evidence against pimps and customers

Photos illustrating © anp.

In a raid in a small room in the Limburg Valkenburg were found DNA traces and contact details of eighty men who have had paid sex with an underage girl (16). Her lover boy was arrested. Seldom has so much evidence has been found against a pimp and customers an exploited girl. Justice takes the large group of men now publicly hard, for the first time.

These men had against paid sex with a minor. It is a criminal offense and I’m not going to help to keep it a secret

Prosecutor David Kuppeveld

Too bad as wives opens, says justice in Limburg, “but for us considering sexual exploitation heavier. Harsh words. And this is just the beginning, say researchers and investigators in the field of human trafficking. Tackling whore runners will harden in the coming years.

Police and Justice directed their arrows in the last 10 years, especially the (loverboy) themes and approaches of traffickers. Now is also called the customer to account, such as last week in Limburg. Only then came out what happened in October last year played in a hotel in Valkenburg.

Under duress of a lover boy, 21-year old Armin A. received a 16-year-old girl on a customer room. It must have been at least fifty there, the prosecution stated. With them, the police soon on the sidewalk. Last night proved that does justice to another thirty other men research, said the Limburg news 1Limburg.

When the police raided on October 14, a customer caught in the act. The trash is already filled condoms. Armin A. sits during the raid on the toilet in the bathroom.

His phone, which the girl would be accessible according to the online ads, is up for grabs. Here the police find a long list of customers. With this data and the bin full dna the prosecution has a rare big case against at least fifty whore runners. Them hangs a prison sentence of four years above the head.

Justice says now: Please note, you can as a father, grandfather or husband a girl go, but you are responsible for her. That took a long time

Lou Repetur, advisor sexual violence research institute Movisie

,, These men had a fee sex with a minor . It is a criminal offense and I’m not going to help to keep it a secret, “said prosecutor David Kuppeveld in no uncertain words in court.

Moral indignation
A few years ago this crackdown is not well received, says Lou Repetur, advisor sexual violence with knowledge institute Movisie. ,, We feel the moral outrage now more than 10 years ago. Then in 1995, campaigns were held to prostitutes stimulate sex with a condom, there also has been proposed to confront them with women working under duress That did not come through ”

Repetur:.. ,, was only with the advent of pimps was seen as a problem Justice now says. Please note, you can as a father, grandfather or husband a girl go, but you are responsible for her That took a long time. “. She warns against stigmatization. ,, We have to appeal to customers on their responsibility for minors. Not the fact that they go to a legal prostitute because that may in the Netherlands. ”

Human trafficking
The case in Limburg calls them unique. Rarely is there so much evidence against the pimps and customers, says Eric van den Vrande, coordinator of the team Trafficking in the police Brabant. Often protect the abused girls their ‘alleged boyfriend’ and they give little information. ,, The pimp is often the only one they have, “he said.

According to Van der Vrande a nationwide trend that whore more runners will be checked. There is already a bill of PvdA, SP and CU ready also to penalize customers who could have known that a woman working under duress.

Deputy Chief George Rasker hopes that the exposure of the dozens of customers deters others. Researcher Repetur doubts this. ,, Prostitution the oldest profession in the world. There will need to continue. ” Moreover, they will go home far confrontation. ,, Who is the bigger shock: the man or the family “



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